are you afraid of changes ?

step into a world of transformation and self-discovery with AUGUR …

are you afraid of changes ?

step into a world of transformation and self-discovery with AUGUR …

... an NFT ART PROJECT that tells the story of CHANGE through four Archetypes

the journey begins

the first in the series, which represents the High after the Crisis – the moment of upheaval that can lead to transformative change. Fractures and cracks symbolise the potential for change that can emerge from chaos.

Hold the Prophet in your wallet and feel the weight of its meaning. It offers a common vision to mobilise the masses. In the quest for renewal based on new values, the Prophet’s experience and persuasive power can bring about positive change, but so can rigid thinking that impedes progress.

Or are you ready to embrace change and begin the journey with the Prophet?“

... an NFT ART PROJECT that tells the story of CHANGE through four Archetypes

the journey begins

the first in the series, which represents the High after the Crisis – the moment of upheaval that can lead to transformative change. Fractures and cracks symbolise the potential for change that can emerge from chaos.

Hold the Prophet in your wallet and feel the weight of its meaning. It offers a common vision to mobilise the masses. In the quest for renewal based on new values, the Prophet’s experience and persuasive power can bring about positive change, but so can rigid thinking that impedes progress.

Or are you ready to embrace change and begin the journey with the Prophet?“


choose if you want to keep or destroy


The winds

…of change are blowing once again. THE NOMAD has arrived, and with him comes the promise of a new world. 

The awakening brings the realization to burn away the veil that has clouded the vision.
The Nomad is breaking with tradition and paving the way for the rise of the next generation. 

With the Nomad, you carry the spirit of exploration, innovation and resilience or the potential for destruction and anarchy in your wallet.
Break with the status quo and blaze your own path to success.
Follow the voice of the nomad so that the seeds of a new world can rise from the ashes.


choose if you want to keep or destroy


The winds

…of change are blowing once again. THE NOMAD has arrived, and with him comes the promise of a new world. 

The awakening brings the realization to burn away the veil that has clouded the vision.
The Nomad is breaking with tradition and paving the way for the rise of the next generation. 

With the Nomad, you carry the spirit of exploration, innovation and resilience or the potential for destruction and anarchy in your wallet.
Break with the status quo and blaze your own path to success.
Follow the voice of the nomad so that the seeds of a new world can rise from the ashes.


choose if you want to keep or destroy again


To inspire change

… THE HERO is born. He represents strength, courage and a willingness to stand up for what is right.

Unraveling is reflected in the sky and drives away the shadows that once held you captive. Take the power of the Hero and free yourself from the chains of the past.

When you carry the Hero in your wallet, you have the power to overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals, but beware of hubris, arrogance or fear of failure.
With the Hero by your side, you can tap into your inner potential and become the best version of yourself. You have the opportunity to free yourself from the chains of conformity and find your own path to success. So take the Hero into your wallet and let his spirit inspire you to greatness.


choose if you want to keep or destroy again


To inspire change

… THE HERO is born. He represents strength, courage and a willingness to stand up for what is right.

Unraveling is reflected in the sky and drives away the shadows that once held you captive. Take the power of the Hero and free yourself from the chains of the past.

When you carry the Hero in your wallet, you have the power to overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals, but beware of hubris, arrogance or fear of failure.
With the Hero by your side, you can tap into your inner potential and become the best version of yourself. You have the opportunity to free yourself from the chains of conformity and find your own path to success. So take the Hero into your wallet and let his spirit inspire you to greatness.


choose if you want to keep or destroy one last time


Order needs chaos

THE ARTIST is a visionary and creator, capturing the essence of time.

He inspires, provokes and challenges the status quo by pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable.
Crisis reflects the collective human experience and ignites a passion for change.

Holding this work of art in your wallet is a piece of history and a reflection of the times.
With the Artist on your side, you have the power to shape the future and inspire change. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, the artist shows the beauty of change


choose if you want to keep or destroy
one last time


order needs chaos

THE ARTIST is a visionary and creator, capturing the essence of time.

He inspires, provokes and challenges the status quo by pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable.
Crisis reflects the collective human experience and ignites a passion for change.

Holding this work of art in your wallet is a piece of history and a reflection of the times.
With the Artist on your side, you have the power to shape the future and inspire change. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, the artist shows the beauty of change

the cycle will continue..

can you collect all 4 AUGUR in your wallet?

overcome the fear of change

Sneak Peek into the Artistic
Process. Follow the Artists twitter

Experience the Intersection
of Art, Growth, and Community!

Stay up to Date with daily 
content on AUGUR TWITTER


ask us

NFT stands for non-fungible token, which is a type of digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item, such as a piece of digital art, a tweet, a video clip, or a collectible. They’re stored on a secure and transparent blockchain.

Augur will be deployed on the Ethereum Network (ETH), using a ERC 721 Smart Contract.

Augur will be a FREE MINT.

You will need

– a MetaMask
(it will only be possible to connect MetaMask to mint!)

After the Mint it will be possible to get an AUGUR on secondary Markets like 



– etc…

1. AUGUR starts with „THE PROPHET“

You can MINT up to 2 „THE PROPHET“


you can decide if you want to destroy both, one or none of your „THE PROPHET“ to get the next AUGUR Archetype „THE NOMAD“ 


you can decide again if you want to destroy your „THE NOMAD“ to get the next AUGUR Archetype „THE HERO“


you can decide one last time if you want to destroy your „THE HERO“ to get the next AUGUR Archetype „THE ARTIST“

Be Mindfull with your decisions because a BURN (destroy) can increase but also decrease the current Rarity of your AUGUR Token.
Like in real life CHANGE can be moving forward or take you a step back.

The Augur team recognizes that the world is facing change in many areas, such as art, politics, food, energy, finance and technology. In times of change, it is important to stay mentally fit and flexible, and to surround yourself with people who can face the fear of change and work together to try new things, accept mistakes, and learn from them.

AUGUR’s vision is to bring people together through art to facilitate personal growth and engagement with change.

Sbstn’s art immortalizes the story of his clients on their skin, and he now wants to immortalize the story of change on the blockchain as well. For sbstn personally, change is a big issue, and he invites others to experience a story and engage with the question, „Are you afraid of change?“

AUGUR is a free project that honors the support of its customers and also aims to bring new art lovers into the NFT space.

If you like art and are interested in personal growth and the growth of the NFT space, visit AUGUR’s Discord server.